When you play a game, there are millions of little details at play to create a realistic experience. You might not realize it, but the game developers have spent years thinking about how the game works, what your experience will be like and what makes it fun. Behind the Screens uncovers the creative genius involved in making AAA games and gives readers unprecedented access behind closed doors at some of the world’s most renowned studios. This book isn’t just for gamers – anyone who wants to learn more about how video games are made or wants details on one of this year’s most anticipated titles will find it fascinating!
The wonderful thing about video games is that they allow us to experience things we could never experience in real life.
The wonderful thing about video games is that they allow us to experience things we could never experience in real life. You can be an astronaut, a fireman and even a superhero without having any special training or having to go through the actual process of becoming those things.
Video games let us live out our fantasies, especially when it comes to superheroes and villains. If you’re not satisfied with your current occupation or feel like you’re missing out on something bigger than yourself, then maybe it’s time for you to become an indie game developer!
These developers need to be able to take a high-level idea and turn it into something that a team of artists, programmers, musicians and designers can work with.
As a game developer, you need to be able to take a high-level idea and turn it into something that a team of artists, programmers, musicians and designers can work with. You also need to be able to communicate your vision so that everyone on the team knows what they are doing and how it fits into the overall picture.
The ability to communicate effectively is crucial for any successful leader and it’s even more important if you’re going from being an individual creator of games (like me) into management roles where you manage teams of other people who create games as part of their job responsibilities.
Behind the Screens uncovers the creative genius involved in making AAA games.
Behind the Screens: Unveiling the Creative Genius of aaa game developers is an inside look at how games are made and what goes into them. The book explores different aspects of game development, including design, technology and artistry. It also includes interviews with developers from major studios such as Blizzard Entertainment, Bethesda Game Studios and Valve Corporation.
It’s not enough for a game to look good or sound good; it has to feel good too.
As a player, you want your game to be fun. You want it to be immersive and engaging, so you can lose yourself in the experience. It has to feel good when you play it the controls must be responsive, intuitive and challenging enough that they keep you coming back again and again. A great game developer knows how to create this kind of experience for their players by focusing on four key areas:
- Feel: It’s not enough for a game to look good or sound good; it has t feel good too! The way something feels when we interact with it matters just as much as its appearance or sound effects (if not more).
- Fun: Fun is the most important aspect of any video game because without fun there’s no reason for people playing them at all! If people aren’t having fun playing then developers won’t sell any copies which means no money coming into their pockets either – so really every single decision made during development should revolve around whether or not someone would enjoy themselves while doing whatever task was being asked of them within each level/world etcetera…
In order to make their games feel authentic, developers have to understand what it’s like to be inside them.
As you can imagine, there are many factors to consider when making a game. Developers need to understand what it’s like to be inside them. One way they do this is by getting feedback from players and observing their reactions in-game. They also take cues from other AAA studios who have already made similar games and learned what works best for their audiences.
They also need to understand the audience they’re appealing to – who they are and what they want from their games.
One of the most important aspects of game development is understanding your audience. It’s not enough to just make a game; you also have to know who you’re making it for and what they want out of it. If you don’t understand your audience, then it will be difficult for you as a developer to create something that appeals specifically to them.
The reason why we have so many different types of games (eSports, mobile, indie) is because there are so many different types of people who play them! Each person has their own preferences and dislikes when it comes time for entertainment – some people prefer multiplayer experiences while others enjoy solo experiences; some enjoy playing alone but still want some sort of narrative element in their games while others simply like playing with friends online; some only care about graphics quality while others will only play if there are good controls available on PC etc..
If you’re interested in learning more about how video games are made or want details on how one of this year’s most anticipated titles was created, then Behind the Screens is a must-read!