Some companies do B2B eCommerce well, and then some set the standard for the whole industry. The ones that raise the bar, are the ones to learn from!
With global B2B eCommerce revenue predicted to be close to $12.2 Trillion in the current year, learning from the best seems like a no brainer. That’s why we’re putting together this article to tell you about 10 companies that are setting the standard for B2B eCommerce.
Here we go!
10 B2B-E-Commerce Agile Platforms In 2023 & Beyond!
#1: Alibaba
Who hasn’t heard about the massive success story of Alibaba. It’s a global B2B eCommerce platform, connecting the whole world to Chinese retailers and wholesalers. The company assists more than 18 million buyers and sellers across more than 240 countries!
The thing to learn from Alibaba is it’s focusing on connecting the world to China’s strength, i.e. economies of scale in the production of goods and services. And this is gold in the B2B world where most retailers are looking to cut costs.
Alibaba makes it possible for buyers to buy cheap and sellers to sell large volumes. If you have a core competitive advantage, you must capitalize on it as Alibaba did.
#2: Amazon
Similar to Alibaba, Amazon is also a global B2B eCommerce platform. Besides, it connects local buyers and sellers. It reached $10 billion in 2018 sales, which explains why there is so much to learn from Amazon.
All this success didn’t happen overnight for Amazon. They worked slowly and steadily towards their long term vision, only making minor improvements to their processes, enabling their buyers and sellers to become more efficient to make the transaction.
The reason why they’re setting the standard in the B2B eCommerce world is also their relentless focus on creating an amazing customer experience.
They’re smart about leveraging technologies like artificial intelligence and cloud computing to facilitate eCommerce transactions on their platform, in a secure, yet scalable way.
#3: Fire Rock
Fire Rock is a famous B2B company that provides home building materials to their customers. Their strength lies in providing quality home products like wooden flooring and cedar roofing.
Their emphasis on displaying quality photographs of their products on their website helps them generate a lot of website traffic and sales.
One of the strongest pillars of their eCommerce strategy is to drive traffic using Pinterest, by publishing high-quality images of their products, making it easy for customers to choose the product of their choice.
We highly recommend you visit their website just to feel the vibe of their eCommerce website by browsing their detailed product photography.
If you just get on their homepage and view their banner video, you will realize how much effort they’re putting into enhancing their visual appeal.
Check some top eCommerce jobs here.
#4: Apple At Work
Apple is usually perceived as a B2C brand. But you’d be surprised at how great they’re also doing at B2B eCommerce. Did you know that in the year 2015, their B2B eCommerce sales revenue was close to $21 Billion?
Quite clearly, Apple is, and will always be a genius company!
Now the thing to learn from them is their focus on technology innovation remains intact, for both B2B and B2C websites.
But what they’re doing differently for B2B eCommerce is the stories they’re telling about how Apple’s products have been instrumental in shaping the business success of their clients.
Watch some of the films they’ve put up under the ‘success stories’ section of their website to understand how meaningful they make their messaging to their business audience. You’ll learn the art of selling to a business audience!
#5: Dell
Quite different from Apple, Dell is completely focused on eCommerce. They don’t have physical retail stores like Apple does, and therefore, they’re serious about creating the best eCommerce experience they can.
The reason why they’ve always set the standard within the B2B eCommerce space is that they’re able to cut costs by being laser-focused on eCommerce. The world’s transactions are now moving online, and if you’re considering building a physical retail store, we’d urge you to reconsider your decision and invest more in B2B eCommerce infrastructure, like Dell.
Dell customers can order everything online and have the goods delivered to their doorstep. That’s why they’re able to focus all of their attention on creating a high-quality product, and not have to worry about any other distribution channel other than online.
#6: Blake
An interesting product that every business needs are envelopes. And nobody delivers this better than Blake! With a very clean, intuitively designed eCommerce website that has amazing benefits through delivering education to customers, they’re raising the bar!
The customer education section on their website is called “Knowledge Box” and has several articles catering to a business-minded audience.
We believe their strength is the way they present their vast product range through a well-structured product display search panel, as you can see below:
They give their customers a whole range of options to choose from, including environment-friendly envelopes, made for all the conscious capitalists out there.
#7: Zendesk
As you may know, Zendesk is the CRM software tool enabling businesses around the globe to keep their customers happy. They are laser-focused on helping their clients give the highest quality of customer service and deserve to be mentioned in this list.
As Zendesk is easily integrated with other software and applications, it allows a single customer support agent to respond to multiple customer inquiries on online review websites. This makes Zendesk truly special, as a CRM product.
They’re great at making it simple to decide which products they should access by segregating their eCommerce products and services according to the business size. So as the following image shows, they have different versions of their site for startups, small businesses, and enterprise clients, all of which fall within the B2B space.
#8: Overdrive
Overdrive is one of the world’s largest distributors of digital content to organizations like public libraries, schools, and other businesses. They’re continually pushing the bar when it comes to B2B eCommerce through their focus on innovation, by helping libraries transform themselves.
They’ve built a global network of libraries, publishers, schools, and other educational institutions who’re able to make various purchases of eBooks, catalogs, media journals and more. You can locate the book in a library near you, or simply download the eBook into your online library.
Overdrive works on more of a membership or subscription model, and the reason behind their success is their ever-expanding database of digital content. They’ve got everything in stock!
#9: Iron Planet
The unique thing about Iron Planet is that it offers used equipment for sale. The sale happens when buyers pay a ‘buy now’ price or bid the highest for the product in an online auction.
The online auction format develops a sense of competition among buyers to bid the highest, especially if they want a product on the website.
At the same time, sellers are enabled to sell their products via the platform. With over 1.8 million users on IronPlanet, they have identified and leveraged the niche space of buying and selling used equipment very well. Learning from this, identifying a niche you can dominate will always lead you to B2B eCommerce success.
#10: Danish Water Technology
Danish Water Technology or Future Water City provides water pipeline infrastructure to households. The website demonstrates Denmark’s commitment to find and handle better water management technologies.
The fantastic thing about this company is its amazing B2B eCommerce website. It’s an experience just ‘walking through’ the website. The website has an interactive map of the city, allowing households to understand how water circulation works. It almost feels like a gamified way to transact with them!
As you can see from the image above, you can click on different sections of the website for additional information, making it a far more interesting B2B eCommerce website experience than most others out there.
Learning from each of the above B2B eCommerce companies and also these headless eCommerce platforms will help you raise your game to a whole new level. Think about your customers, and remove all obstacles in their path to making a purchase, so that they see you as a true B2B leader in your domain.